Jim Cramer, author and host of CNBC’s popular television show MAD MONEY, is clearly unhappy about the failure of the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the bailout plan proposed by Secretary of the Treasury Heny Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

On his show today, he said if the House doesn’t get their act together and reconsider, the DOW could drop to around 8,200.  For almost all Americans, whether they know it or not, their savings, retirement, and other assets will take a big hit.

Cramer’s most pungent comment on the failure of the House to do their job: Put Great Depression II back on the table.

What does it take to wake up the U.S. House members that voted no today?  If only 12 Representatives had changed their votes from no to yes, we would be on the toward saving the economy instead of watching head fro the brink. Have you called your U.S. Representative?

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